Do you have a big vision that you want to realize?

Do you want to refine and fully trust your intuition?

Do you want to create sustainable success and meaning with your purpose?

Would you like crystal-clear support combined with years of experience?

Are you ready to permanently release deep-seated blockages in your subconscious?

Lisa is a multiple bestselling author, spiritual guide, transformational coach, and international speaker. She is an expert in holistic business coaching and combines deep mindset work with modern spirituality.

She supports people in recognizing their soul purpose and manifesting their big life visions, sustainable success, true abundance and wealth. She has been trained by the distinguished authorities of personal development in Europe and the US and has already accompanied tens of thousands of people.

Her clients affectionately call her the "detective of the subconscious" because she can untie deep-seated knots in the subconscious in a flash and explain complex relationships simply and understandably.

In her books, she describes the universal laws of life, the science of success, and how we can realize the full potential of our soul's purpose. Lisa loves to guide people on the path to sustainable success. She was born with a crystal clear gift of perception that she has spent her life training and refining.

Through her love of development and human potential, she has given ten thousand sessions over the past 15 years and trained more than 100 consultants in FoCos® constellation work and intuitive coaching.

"There are only two ways to live, either by considering nothing or everything as miracles."

Albert Einstein

Lisa is a wonderful Teacher and Channel. She showed me with ease, how to open my channel and how to ground the information’s down to earth. What amazes me every time, is her joyful and practical way to bring the divine messages. Lisa is a true bridge, in between the worlds and I’m really happy I get to learn from her. I’m already planning to do further trainings with her after my most recent one. I highly recommend working with her!


Old Knowledge • Competence • Warmth • Love • Empathy • Clarity • Energetic Wisdom • A Wonderful Woman • Lovingly Sincere & Life Changing • Cell Rejuvenation  • High Frequencies • High Quality • Very Easy to Understand • Energetically Fluent • LIFE FEELS NEW THANK YOU

Lisa Ogbidi

My coaching session with Lisa was so helpful in clarifying and inspiring my work moving forward, to bring together all of my strengths and gifts in a simple clear vision of my most authentic expression and integration.  Her approach was uplifting and helped me see and open unthought-of possibilities, aligned with the flow of universal abundance and the total joy of my complete fulfillment.  Grateful beyond words!
