I am a multiple best-selling author, developer of Soul Creation® and FoCos® constellation work, and business mentor with 15 years of professional experience.

Visionary entrepreneurship is my passion!

I love empowering people and accompanying them on their way into their power and self-determination. I have spent my life studying the universal, spiritual laws of life and have never done anything other than help people develop their potential. I feel it is a privilege to serve others and live a meaningful life. 

My "WHY" is to remind people of who they really are. There is so much power, light, and potential in all of us and we are capable of much more than we can imagine. When we remember our inner power and the beauty of our soul, we can manifest miracles.

My work as an expert in business mentoring and positioning coaching has taught me that crystal-clear positioning and a success-oriented mindset are key in today’s world. They are the foundation for sustainable success. I can assist you in building up your business and optimizing your existing business in the areas of positioning, authentic marketing, cash flow, success mindset, and attracting your desired clients! 

My path was always straightforward and at the same time unconventional: I was born with a crystal-clear intuitive perception that I have trained and refined throughout my life. In the US, I was trained as a teacher of "A Course in Miracles" for many years and I experience miracles as a matter of fact with no exception. My primary strength is to recognize the essence of a topic in a short time, formulate it clearly, and be able to transform the blocks to success.

My entry into the professional world was entrepreneurship right from the start. The love of development, as well as the belief in a benevolent universe, have guided me. Over the previous years, I have given several thousand sessions and trained over 100 intuitive coaches. I have developed a highly effective systemic constellation method, named FoCos®, that creates sustainable transformation and have taught many successful instructors who use this method in my home country as well as abroad.

My attitude as a consultant is appreciative, focused, and undogmatic. I have always allowed myself to walk my own path, break rules, and develop my own systems and tools. That is why I encourage my clients and students to find their very own way, explore new approaches,  question and reject the old, and  position themselves as pioneers and masterminds in their field.